
Senin, 06 September 2010

memilih gitar terbaik

Gitar banyak modelnya, tetapi dari semuanya intinya cuma dibagi dalam dua jenis, yaitu model strat dan heles. Model strat contohnya seperti fender, ibanez. Model heles contohnya seperti gibson & telecaster ( bisa dibilang semi heles ). Dari dua model betuk gitar menghasilkan karakter dasar yg beda, model strat karakternya garang & model heles karakternya bulet. Sebelum milih gitar sebaiknya jangan liat dari bentuk fisik gitarnya, tp lebih baik ngerti dulu apa karakter dasar yg nantinya akan dihasilkan. Sebagai contoh gitar PRS, dilihat sekilas bentuknya strat, tp sebenernya kontur body yg cembung mempengaruhi sound yg dihasilkan, makanya PRS karakter dasarnya tetep aja bulet meskipun sedikit garang. Sound gitar yg dihasilkan tergantung dari :

  1. Kualitas dan bahan dasar kayu : Alder, basswood, mahogany, maple & rosewood. Itu kualitas standar & bagus untuk gitar.
  2. Bahan dasar kayu untuk Neck dan model neck. Bentuk biasa atau neck thru body
  3. Fingerboard. Pakai yang rosewood atau maple, rosewood akan menghasilkan sound yang lebih warm dan maple menghasilkan sound yang lebih bright
  4. Bentuk & model body
  5. Pickups. Banyak modelnya & tiap model karakter soundnya juga beda.
  6. Ukuran strings yg dipakai. Ukuran standar 0.10 bagus untuk rock/hard/slowrock/metal etc.
  7. Ketebalan pick. Jgn pake yg tipis pengaruhnya di artikulasi power sound gitar. Disarankan pakai pick yg 3 mm stab.

Mungkin yg nomor 7 banyak yang tidak menyadari, tetapi memang begitu kenyataan di lapangan. Be wise untuk memilih gitar, apalagi bakalan dijadikan senjata andalan. Layak dicurigai disaat ke guitar shop liat gitar bagus warna warni, tp hati2 cat ataupun cover yg tebal di body gitar biasanya untuk menutupi kelemahan body gitar, contohnya bahan kayu yg dipakai soalnya sekarang banyak gitar yang dijual bukan yang asli bikinan dari merk tetapi sudah versi bajakan
semoga bermanfaat


At one point when you're playing guitar and then there are some strings that sound does not sync tone or less comfortable in the hearing. Then you want to tune a guitar, but you do not know how.
Do not be afraid!
I will teach you how to tune a guitar. In essence, the guitar tuning is to equate the tone.
Here's the pattern that you must know.
See the image below

Image 1. fingerboard by pressing the tone in the string 6 at fret 5.
First thing to do is we take a tone that you make reference to even the tone.
If the picture above is the reference to tune my guitar is pressing on the fret 5 string 6. Red dot above is a titk who directed this aktvitas.
Which become the target alignment tone at fret 5 string 6 is the fifth string.
We excerpt the six-string tone and the string 5th fret 5th simultaneously. When the five-string tone yet sound the same with six strings, then the thing to do is turn the tuner string 5 to the voice sounded the same tune with the tone of the strings 6 dipetikan simultaneously.
After sounding the same, we now equate with longer tone strings 5 string 4.
Here's the drawing.

Image 2. Figure fingerboard by pressing the tone in the string 5 at fret 5
Press the guitar strings you like the picture above the red dot.
Same way as above, equating the tone on 5-string with the string 4. If not the same audible tone, try to turn the tuner to keep the same voice.

Image3. Fingerboard by pressing tone at fret 5 on string 4.
Now the target string to string dalah -4 - 3. And how were the same as above. The point is to equalize the tone.

Image 4. Fingerboard by pressing tone at fret 4 string 3.

Targeted to the third string is the string 2. The trick is still the same.
Image 4. Fingerboard by pressing the tone at the second fret fifth string.
The trick is still the same as before.

When the tone has been likened all according to the procedures above. now, let you play one chord, for example, is a chord of A, you listen to this A chord tone, whether there is still one of the strings, whose voice is not bad,
if there is, once again you hear the tone and identify where the sound off-key tone, if you have found the tone, then the tuner to tune played the same again.
Play the other chords again, listen! whether synchronous or not its tone.

So, now you do not need to be confused again when the voice on the guitar tone you uncomfortable.


Come on, leave a commend for me.

Created by



This article is aimed to introduce and tell you that there is a tone on the guitar, if you already know, then you can tune the guitar by your self.See picture

Image 1. Tone is just plucked strings without pressing the string at fret
Picture above shows a tone anything contained in each string just picked it without pressing the string at fret. And its tone is E A D G B EWhen we excerpt six strings without pressing the string at the first fret, the tone that will sound a tone E.When we thrumming strings without pressing the string at the 5th fret to the one it will sound a tone A.And so on.The pictures below is the sound of a tone when the strings in the passage by tapping the strings from the fret - one to fret - 8.

     Surely you think "lazy once to memorize it?" Am I right?Do not be afraid I've got an effective way to determine the tone there.Here's how.I tell her voice travelExample of the tone EE - F - F # - G - G # - A - A # / Bb - B - C - C # - D - D # - E


In essence, you have to remember after the tone E is F, after the tone F is F #, after the ringing tone of F # is G, after ringing tone G is G #, and so on until the end of the tone E. and now you have probably know after the tone A what?

If at the start of the string to the third and in the beginning by pressing the string from fret 1 to fret - 8 tones what comes out first?It's easy,Let's see first image above. Tone disenar to - 3 is the tone G, after the tone G, G #, after the G # is the tone of A onwards until they meet again to tone G.
Below are the training1. After the tone A is2. After the tone D # is3. After the tone A # is4. Fill in the blank belowBb - ... ..- ... ..- ... ..- D-D #.....Answer the above questions until you really understand.
Happy learning!

Thank you,

Do not forget the comments.

Created by


Minggu, 05 September 2010


Sabtu, 04 September 2010

Gymnastics knuckles with scales DO-RE - MI

Actually a lot of ways to do that finger gymnastics premises nadadoremi stairs, pentatonic, aperrgio, blues, Dorian, Aeolian and others depending on us choose which one.Aim to do is to give the finger gymnastic agility finger - the finger in the press notes, is functioning or very useful in playing a melody and also adapt the radius of the fretLet us learn.See the scales do - re - mi below.

Figure 1. Doremi gamut in tone G

Note: The above points show the colors which finger should press in that titk
pinkie finger
middle finger ring fingerIn the picture above I took the tone in the tone of G which began in the blue dot.My suggestion is practice with a slow tempo first, why do I recommend in a slow tempo first?To be able to memorize first finger patterns DoremiAfter adding a new memorized tempo, faster and faster, but speed should not exceed the ability finger when the finger cramps rest your mother first.You must ask, what if it scales Doremi in tone C is the third fret fifth string?Same pattern as above, only different in tone Doremi ladder pattern on strings 4 and 3.Let's see.

Figure 2. Doremi scales in the fourth fret third string
same in the above we use the middle finger as the first tone do

                                         Figure 3. Doremi scales in the third fret string 3thstarting from the image above forefinger do sabagai tone.

Enough here my article.

Good try.


Created by


Jumat, 03 September 2010


Acoustic Guitar Lesson!

How To Play Acoustic GuitarLet's learn how to play the acoustic guitar. In this lesson we are going to learn the G, C, and D guitar chords and then put a basic strumming pattern with them. I am going to assume that you have never even held a guitar before so lets start with the basics by learning how to hold an acoustic guitar. Rest your guitar over your right leg, and hold it close to your body with your right arm. Remember to sit up straight and relax. When you place your finger on a fret of the guitar, remember to place that finger very close to the fret. We have supplied you with some diagrams of the chords that you will be learning. Learn how to read chord diagrams here!

Let's move on to the chord shapes. Don't worry about making the chords sound perfect right away. Just focus on getting the shapes down. The strength in your left hand will come with some practice. Try to make sure that you are curving your fingers enough to play on the the very tips of your fingers. This will help the fingers that your are playing with to not mute the surrounding strings.

Our first chord will be a G chord. Put your 3rd finger on the 3rd fret of the low E (6th) string, your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the A (5th) string, and your pinky on the 3rd fret of the high E (1st) string. Now take a pick, if you have one, between you thumb and index finger on your right hand and give all six strings a strum. That's your G chord.

To play a C chord you need to put your 3rd finger on the 3rd fret of the A (5th) string, your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the D (4th) string, and your 1st finger on the 1st fret of the B (2nd) string. Now strum all of the strings except for the low E (6th) string.

One chord to go. To make your D chord, place your 1st finger on the 2nd fret of the G (3rd) string, your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the high E (1st) string, and your 3rd finger on the 3rd fret of the B (2nd) string. Now strum all of the strings except for the low E and A strings. Thats it, all three chords.

Practice these chords until you get the shapes memorized and then try changing from shape to shape. Don't get frustrated if your fingers get sore or tired, thats normal. If you need some time to get the shapes down, take a few days to practice and then come back to this video and put the strumming pattern with the chords.

Now it is time to take the chords we have learned and put a simple strumming pattern with them. We will be using all down strokes for the strumming pattern. Make your G chord and get your pick ready in your right hand. Strum the G chord four times. Switch to your C chord ,and strum that chord four times. Finish off by making your D chord and strumming down four more times. Switching between chords smoothly is probably the hardest part of playing something like this. Try to make your strumming as even as possible, especially when your changing chords. Take it as slow as you need to at first. Don't be in a rush to play fast, just focus on playing clean and evenly.

Knowing these chords, and a few basic strumming patterns, can enable you to play a lot more songs than you realize. Many many songs you hear on the radio are just a few chords with some basic strumming. Take the chords that you have learned in this lesson, experiment and mix them up. Try to come up with your own strumming patterns too.


DO YOU KNOW Warm-up before playing guitar, and practicing the melody is extremely important.Heating may sound trivial or simple sounds that are consciously or unconsciously, we will inevitably leave.Surely you think warming is needed and wanted a guitar like a warm-up when exercising?

Yes indeed quite similar but only the fingers - the fingers, wrist, muscle - the muscle arms, shoulders and neck.Why do I say warming is important also in playing the guitar?

Just like sport, when the sport made for warming the muscles - the muscles in our bodies are not rigid, not surprised to receive the exercise and to prevent the risk of muscle injury. This was the same as playing the guitar, because the heating dorsal - we will be more loose and not stiff so quickly adapt fingers - your fingers with a fret - fret.

Heating is very useful for people who are learning to play guitar the first time or beginner because generally the finger - a beginner's fingers stiff.

I often teach guitar and always recommend that people first learned to play guitar to warm up first so that the finger fingers - his fingers are not stiff so it is easy to adapt quickly. And the result of their fingers bisacepat adapt to the exercises that I gave.

So the most important: to warm first?

And why not warm up first.
Created byAgiel


Real name : James Marshall Hendrix
Date and Palce of Birth : Seattle, 27 November 1942
Style of playing : Blues & Rock
Group Band : Jimi Hendrix Experience, Band of Gipsy, The Velvetones
Musical influenced by : Bob Dylan, B.B. King, Muddy Waters, Howlin’ Wolf, Buddy Holly, dan Robert Johnson
The used guitar : Fender Stratocaster
Effect : Vox Clyde McCoy wah pedal, Roger Mayer Octavia, Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face

Born with the name Johnny Allen Hendrix then became James Marshall Hendrix by his father, James “Al” Hendrix. Jimi, in his childhood often pretends to be a guitarist after watching the show of B. B. King.
He used ukulele as the guitar. Looking this, then his father bought him a second hand guitar priced 5 dollar when he was 16 years old. He joined his first band, The Velvetones which only for 3 months. In the next summer, his father bought him an electrick guitar Supro Ozark 1560 S and then he joined with the band The Rocking Kings.
In 1961, he left Englang for United States and became one of United States Armies. However he got an accident while skydiving which made him was failed to be a soldier. Thenceforth he started becoming a guitarist with the name Jimmy James. Here, he met Little Richards and then create his own band named Jimmy James and The Blue Flames.
In the first 1965, Jimi played for the small event in Greenwich Village. In the simple jam session with the bassist of the group Animal, Chas Candler, Chandler was very impressed by looking at Jimmi's playing. So, a year later he asked Jimmi back to London and create their band with the drummer was Mitch Mitchel. Chas Candler himself prefer being a manager than bassist, he gave his position to Noel Redding. The band was named Jimi Hendrix Experience and started being an issue in Londong for a long 1966.
The first single, Hey Joe was successly being Top UK Charts for 10 weeks. Looking this good enthusiasm, Jimi his friends released the album Are You Experienced? soon. With Purple Haze, The Wind Cries Mary, Foxey Lady, Fire, dan Are You Experienced? in the next, this album was the most popular rock all the live. Besides, the album became very phenomenal which blowed up the name of Jimi Hendrix. Everytime he had the show he got hundreds even thousand of audience.
The success of his first album made him finished his next album soon, Axis: Bold As Love in 1968. in this album he tried hard to explore his playing of guitar. He then bach to United States for building his studio named Electric Lady Studio where was located in New York.
On August 1969, Jimi Hendrix appeared in one of the biggest music event of America, Woodstock. At that time he didn't use the name Experience, but with Gypsy Sun & Rainbows which also had Mitch Mitchell, Billy Cox, Juma Sultan, dan Jerry Velez.
His name was becoming more popular as the number one guitarist of the world. All the spectators who watched his playing of guitar were so impressed. He showed his solo guitar action with wild stage appearance like using his teeth in playing the guitar, burned the guitar, played the feedback, distortion, and another actions in damaging guitar.
After that he created a new group named Band of Gipsy and released the album d Hendrix: Live At The Fillmore East in 1999. a year later he created Jimi Hendrix Experience again and finished the album named First Rays Of The New Rising Sun. However a tragedy made him couldn't get his outcome of his hard work and his album. On September 18th 1970, he was founded dead. Beside of his body lied some sleeping pills. The police said that he was dead because of being over dose. His last show before dead was with a band from America named War in Ronnie Scott’s club, London.
No one can't deny that he was the pioneer and the biggest inspirator in playing guitar which developed in 20th century. His works became a reference for the begginer guitarists even for master guitarists.
He was who created tricks for playing electrick guitar as Feedback and distortion which were finally used by all guitarists in the next period. It is uncountable how many guitarists who made him as their big influence in music. The name as Brian May, Yngwie Malmsteen, Ritchie Blackmore, Steve Lukather, Eric Clapton, Slash, Joe Satriani, Paul Gilbert, dan Steve Vai were only a few of influenced guitarists by him. Not only in playing the guitar but also his songs as Little Wing, Voodo Child, dan Red House were being the songs which most often sung lively or in records. In every voting or polling in magazines, he always be the Greatest Guitarist All the time.


Are you BORED with the songs of the bands that you often sing while in the show?
Do you want to have your own song that can be proudly exhibited for your beloved people?
Are one of the band who want to join the casting band but you don't have your own song?
Do you want to have a song for you enjoy by yourself? 
Or do you want to give a present for your beloved people but you have no money and interested to give them your own song?
Before reading the rest, please answer the questions above!
If your answer is YES, Keep on reading this article till the end, but if your answer is NO so just leave  this article now.
If you are anxious for knowing more with this article . . .
Keep on reading the rest!!!!!
in creating the song, there are some points that can be reference.
Here I'll try to describe them,
First Method
1.       Create the tone of the song at first.
The chords are free or you can create your own chords.
In my experience, I see the score of evaluation in my result of studying, I can see them as my recruits of the chords. 
For instance, the raw of my school score are  A,B,D,C,E.
Create the tones then.
You can choose Rock,  Grunge,  Blues, Melancholic, Malay, or Dangdut.
It's all up to you!
2.       Prepare the theme of the lyric as love, broken heart, cheery, social, etc.
3.       Create the lyric as you chose the theme.
If you don't have idea in creating the lyric you can try my way in solving it.

This is it. .
1.       You can walk around to your favorite places then have a note to any words or sentences that you find all the way you go there that you think it's interesting.
For instance : i'm going to the place which is called as pasar malam, on the way I look the word SWEAT and I write down it. Next, I see the  ROLLERCOASTER while I arrive. For me that is interesting, so I note it. After that I get the title of the lyric, I choose the theme of  love for example, so the title is ROLLERCOASTER’S LOVE. Isn't it easy?
2.       You also can do searching in internet, write down the interesting words.
3.       Take the title from another band or popular singers.
For instance, in my music folder in the computer, I see a song from a singer named CELINE DION with her song BECAUSE YOU LOVE ME. In my mind thi would be very good with the theme that I want to create and I note then.
Do the step 1-3 until the words that you note become a lyric for your song.
Don't have the words very same, get a change or you'll be accused for doing plagiarism.
Be as creative as possible!

4.       After that, just play the tone and the lyric, let it flow as you want it ( because an enjoyable song is the song which is created by heart) until the tone and lyric sound good. 

5.       Be aware of your mood! While your mood isn't good this might be seem difficult.

6.       Record the song that you made in recorder, for example MP3.

7.       Have people to listen your song and ask their comments. This is an evaluation to your song, let people give their score for your song.

Second Method
1.       Get the lyric at first, it can be from a poem, or people's story.

2.       Then have the tone!
The usual tones generally are C G Am Em F C Am G.

3.       Play the tones and sing the lyric in that tones until it sounds good, just follow your heart!

4.       Be aware to your mood.
When you have good mood, do it soon because ideas and imagination will be disappear if you don't use it soon.

5.       Prepare the recorder tool.
Record the song that you made so you can listen to it over and over again and as a reminder while you forget with the song that you made.

6.       Ask people listen to your song then have their opinions to evaluate your song!!

They are the tips that I have in creating a song.
I admit that this article isn't as good as people expect, that's why i'm waiting your comments and critics guys!
This comes from my experiences. . .
Thank you very much!
Created by


Real name                 : Lars Johann YngwieLannerback
Official Website         :
Date and Palce of Birth    : 30 Juni 1963 di Stockholm, Swedia.
Group Band now       : Yngwie Malmsteen Band
Group Band before    : Steeler, Alcatrazz,
Influence   : Niccolo Paganini, Jimi Hendrix, Ritchie Blackmore, J.S.Bach,  Antonio Vivaldi, W.A.Mozart,
Guitar   : Fender Stratocaster Yngwie Malmsteen Signature Series
Skill   : Neoclassical, Alternate Picking, Arpeggio, dll.

            Yngwie Malmsteen is a forerunner who made all the shredder guitarists exist. After Eddie Van Halen (Van Halen) firstly sang the song “Eruption” in 1978 which introduced the technique “two handed tapping”, Yngwie released the classic baroque shred album “Rising Force” which created a commotion the rock guitar community, create the new standard for speed and skill in playing. The colour of  “Neo-Classical” which brought by him is based on composition structure of  J.S Bach (1685-1750) dan Niccolo Paganini (1782-1840).
            Afterwards came the shredder guitarists who released many success albums. Almost every week born the new guitarists whom claimed theirselves as the most fast guitarist in the world. For instance: Paul Gilbert, Marty Friedman, Jason Becker, Richie Kotzen, Vinnie Moore, Tony Macalpine, Greg Howe, dll. It can be deinied that Yngwie is the hero of guitar that proper to praised.
            The marriage of Yngwie's father (a captent of army) and his mother (Rigmor - artist) was ended to the divorce  after Yngwie was born. Besides, Yngwie has an elder sister named Ann Louise and brother named  Bjorn. Yngwie was born as the last child who was wild, couldn't be managed and cheerful.
            At the beginning Yngwie tried to learn piano and trumpet but he couldn't master them. Acoustic guitar which was bought by his mother when he was 5 years old was not touched by him an djust hung on the wall. 
            On September 18 1970, Yngwie saw the special event about the death of Jimi Hendrix. There Yngwie who was 17 years old watched how Jimi Hendrix create  feedback sound of guitar and burn his guitar in front of his spectators. On the day of Jimi Hendrix's death, born Yngwie's playing of guitar.
            Yngwie who was anxious then bought a  cheap Fender Stratocaster, he tyried to play ithe song Deep Purple and spent a lot of time in knowing the secret of the instrument and his own music.  The Yngwie's amazement to Ritchie Blackmore (the guitarist of Deep Purple) which was influenced by classical music and his amazement to his elder sister made him often play the composition Bach, Vivaldi, Beethoven, dan Mozart, gave him idea to combine classical music with rock. Yngwie kept playing all the day even he slept with his guitar.
            When Yngwie was 10 years old, he used his little name from his mother “Malmsteen”, focussed to all his energy and quit of school. In school Yngwie was famous as troublemaker but he was good at English  and art.  His mother awared of his unique talent, then she let Yngwie to stay at home with  a recorder and his guitar.  After watching vionilist Gideon Kremer brought the composition Paganini: 24 Caprices on television, Yngwie at last knew how to combine classical music with his skill and charisma.
            Yngwie and some of his friends recorded 3 demo songs then sent them to recording studio CBS Swedia, but that studio never care or  revolve it. Because of frustrated, Yngwie knew that he should leave Swedia and started to send his demo recording to any recording studio overseas. In fact, one of his demo came to the guitar player contributor and the owner of  Shrapnel Records: Mike Varney. Next Yngwie was invited to Los Angeles and joined with the newest shrapnel band : “Steeler” and the rest which called as his history. On February 1983 Yngwie left Swedia to Los Angeles brought his skill and his new style of playing.
            Afterwards,Yngwie's playing was popular in the world which was fast in intro the song “Hot On Your Heels”. Yngwie then moved to the band Alcatrazz, a band whose style “Rainbow” and was built by Graham Bonnett. Even though he already joined Alcatrazz which showed many great solo in the song   “Kree Nakoorie”, “Jet to Jet,” dan “Hiroshima Mon Amour”, Yngwie still felt that he was too restricted by that band. At the end he thought that solo album was the best solution.
            Yngwie's first solo album: Rising Force (now was known as holly book of rock Neo-Classical music) was susccess in number  60 for Billboard charts instrumental guitar music without commercial aim. This album also won the Grammy nomination for the best rock instrumental.  Afterwards Yngwie was chosen as the best new comer guitarist in magazines and media. Not only as the best guitarist at that year but his album, Rising Force also became the best album at that year.  
            On June 22nd  1987 close to his birthday of 24th, he got an accident with his jaguar that caused him became comma for almost a week and lost the function of his right hand. Because of scare his career would end at that time, he tried hard to follow therapy for getting back his right hand's function.  But after that he got the news that his mother was dead by cancer which spent a lot of money for her medical caring. If Yngwie was another people he might be giving up with bad things happen to him, but he was Yngwie, he changed and back to his music with his burned enthusiasm.
            Then Yngwie released albums that were sold well as Odyssey, Eclipse, Fire & Ice, Seventh Sign, I Can’t Wait, Magnum Opus, Inspiration, Facing the Animal, Alchemy, War To End All Wars and finally he was success made his dream to play with a full orchestra in one of his newest album: Concerto Suite for Electric Guitar and Orchestra in Eb minor, Op. 1 (1998).
            While he released the album Eclipse (1990), Yngwie had the chance to have a tour and a success concert in Indonesia (Jakarta, Solo, & Surabaya). In planning, on July 2001 Yngwie would have a concert back in Indonesia but it was cancelled because the government of United Stantes an dhis wife reminded him of the politic savety in Indonesia.  However, the tickets were sold well in Indonesia, Yngwie's fans  were disappointed. So, when Yngwie will have a concert in Indonesia if politic condition in Indonesia didn't change yet?

            The next album is Attack!! whose hits number one  instrumental Baroque & Roll. In 2003, Yngwie was asked to join in the formation G3 with Joe Satriani and  Steve Vai that released 1 album and 1 video. After finishing the tour with G3, he finished his newest album Unleash The Fury on the early 2005. 

LEARN TO PLAYING A GUITAR For Beginners -Part 2-

This article discusses the chord with its pictures in the song Dear God - Avenged Sevenfold.
The chords which are used in this song are 'F C Dm( D minor ) Bb(bes) G Am C#m(Cis minor )'.
Here they are the chords:

1. Chord F
Use forefinger, jari tengah, jari manis.
The position of the fingers:
1. Place forefinger on the 2nd string of first fret.
2. Place middle finger on the 3rd string of second fret.
3. Place ring finger on the 4th string of third fret.
Check this picture out!

2. Chord C
For chord C, use forefinger, middle finger, and ring finger.
The position of the fingers :
a. Place forefinger on the 2nd string of first fret.
b. Place middle finger on the 4th string of second fret. .
c. Place ring finger on the 5th string of third fret.
Look at the picture!

3. Chord Dm ( D minor )
The used fingers are same with the chord before ( chord C) but you need to add the little finger.
The position of the fingers:
1. Forefinger is on the fifth 5 and this finger should press the fifth string up to the first string.
2. Middle finger is on the 2nd string of sixth fret.
3. Ring finger is on the 4th string of seventh fret.
4. Little finger is on the 3rd string of seventh fret.
Pay attention to this picture!

4. Chord Bb ( bes )
Use forefinger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger, don't use your thumb.... =D
The position of fingers :
1. Forefinger is on the 1st string of first fret.
2. Middle finger is on the 4th string of third fret.
3. Ring finger is on the 3rd string of third fret.
4. Little finger is on the 2nd string of third fret.
Here is the picture!

5. Chord G
For chord G use middle finger, ring finger and little finger.
The position of fingers:
a. Place middle finger on the 5th string of second fret.
b. Place ring finger on the 6th string of third fret.
c. Place little finger on the 1st string of third fret.
Check the picture below!

6. Chord Am
Use forefinger, ring finger, little finger.
The position of fingers :
1. Place forefinger on the fifth fret and this finger should press the sixth string up to the first one.
2. Place ring finger on the 5th string of seventh fret.
3. Place little finger on the 4th string of seventh fret.
Look at the picture!

7. Chord C#m
Use forefinger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger.
The position of fingers :
1. Forefinger is on the fourth fret 4 and this finger should press the fifth string up to the first string in the fourth fret.
2. Middle finger is on the 2nd string of fifth fret.
3. Ring finger is on the 4th string of sixth fret.
4. Little finger is on the 3rd string of sixth fret.

Well, check this out now!

As usual, now is your time to practice the chords and play this song!

Dear God - Avenged Sevenfold
F C Dm C
A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Bb F C
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
F C Dm C
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Bb F
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be, oh yeah
F C Dm C
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
Bb F
To hold her when I'm not around
When I'm much too far away
F C Dm C
We all need that person who can be true to you
Bb F
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
Bb F
Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
Am Dm C Bb
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again
F C Dm C
There's nothing here for me on this barren road
Bb F
There's no one here while the city sleeps
And all the shops are closed
F C Dm C
Can't help but think of the times I've had with you
Bb F C
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through, oh yeah
Dm C#m Bb F
Some search, never finding a way
Dm C#m Bb F
Before long, they waste away
Dm C#m Bb F
I found you, something told me to stay
Dm C#m Bb F
I gave in, to selfish ways
Bb G
And how I miss someone to hold
When hope begins to fade
F C Dm C
A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Bb F C
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find

have fun and
Don't forget to give me a comment…thank you!

Rock n’ roll

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Before you learn to playing a guitar and the chords, it's so much better for you to know the parts of guitar to make it easier in learning activity from my articles.
If you want to play electric or acoustics guitar, you should know the guitar itself and all of the parts would be explained in this article.
Look at the picture carefully!

The picture above is about the parts of electric guitar.

• Tuning Machines: this has the function as a tool to tune up the strings on guitar so it can create the appropriate tones as we want, to tone up it can be helped by the tool or by your instinct (this method can be learnt, learnt, and learnt).
• Headstock: this also can be called as the head of the guitar, is the part whose the function is to hold back the strings and tuning machines, on the tip of the electric guitar's neck.
• Nut: the function is to manage the placing of strings to keep them at their place, on the electric guitar there is a nut which is able to lock the strings for going no where ( called as locking nut).
• Neck: has the function to lie the fretboard, tuners (tuning machines) and headstock.
• Fingerboard (Fingerboard): a wood with metal fret to divide the place of tones.
• Fret: the metal on the Fingerboard to divide the place of tones.
• Strap pin: to hold back the strap of guitar.
• Body: it's the body of the guitar.
• Pickups: the detector of the string's trill and change it fron mechanics energy to the electric energy which has been converted by amplifier become the tones.
• Bridge: it's binding agent of the strings to the body of guitar.
• End pin: to hold in the strap of the guitar.
• Bar/vibrato/tremolo/whammy bar: to adjust the modulation of the string's trill.
There are two kinds, they are: a.bent down tremolo: tremolo which only can descend the tone, and b. updown tremolo (there is no picture yet): tremolo which can ascend or descend the tone.
• Pickup selector switch: switch is a manager of pickups to choose which pickup would be activated to create the variation of sounds that we want.
• Volume control: the button to manage the volume
• Tone control: the manager of the bass strength and treble of guitar's sound.
• Output jack: it's the connector of the guitar to the amplifier or another electronics devices, it's commonly be pluged in with the jack of guitar's cable.
• Strings(senar): strings are made from nylon, steel, nickel to create the tones.

And here is the parts of acoustics guitar!

For acoustics guitar, what you need to know are:
1. tuner dan tuner post
2. nut
3. headstock
4. neck
5. body
6. fingerboard atau fretboard
7. fret
8. string
9. sound hole
10. bridge

The functions of them are same as explained in the note of electric guitar before. However, there are the parts which can't be found in the acoustic guitar, as pick up, whammy bar, volume control dan amply cable connector but there is also the acoustics guitar which has the manager of volume and amply cable connector.

That is the parts of guitar, I hope it can be useful in learning to play the guitar itself.
Last but not the least, please leave me your comments!
Thank you very much. . . . .

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